Uncertain times heighten fear and anxiety. The threat we experienced on a global scale with the pandemic threw the world into a frenzy of confusion. This unprecedented disruption brought about a revolutionary shift in the behavioral healthcare landscape. The sudden surge in patients and the change in delivery system was overwhelming. Traditional behavioral healthcare had been falling short, but the pandemic kicked behavioral healthcare into innovation gear. Although behavioral healthcare did an exceptional job of pivoting, practices and organizations need to embrace adaptability to innovation.
Behavioral Healthcare Reimagined Podcast is a thought leader who lives what they preach. This podcast is for those who aspire to be visionaries and thought leaders and position their group practice or organization in a Blue Ocean (BOS) space. It is for those who acknowledge that change in behavioral healthcare is imperative. The need for innovation has never been more poignant, and there is an urgency to discuss it right now.
Helping Behavioral Healthcare organizations improve & innovate their clinical and business operations through high-performing strategies and leading-edge practices.